1朋友啊朋友你可曾想起了我是什么歌2有些已故去的(de )歌手你有怀念他(tā )们(men )的歌吗为什3有些以前很红很火的明星为什么现在没消息了4中国有(yǒu )哪些音乐(lè )号称是摇滚乐但实际(jì )上是伪1朋友(yǒu )啊朋友你可(kě )曾想起了我是什(shí )么歌歌名朋友填(tián )词黄集伟写曲臧(zāng )天朔歌曲原唱臧天朔朋友啊1朋(🏇)友啊朋友你可曾(🤬)想起了我是什么歌2有(✒)些已故去的(de )歌手你有怀念他(🈯)(tā )们(🦄)(men )的(👬)歌吗为什(🕴)3有些以前很红很火的明星为什么现在没消息(📺)了4中国有(yǒu )哪些音(🌳)乐(🤲)(lè )号称是摇(🥠)滚乐但实(🕐)际(🤑)(jì )上(🚠)是伪(😑)1朋友(yǒu )啊(🍏)朋友你可(kě(🚺) )曾(😣)想(🏫)起了我是什(shí )么歌歌名朋友填(tiá(👢)n )词黄集伟写曲(🕟)臧(zāng )天朔(⌛)歌曲原唱臧天朔朋友啊Upon successful examination, the trademark is registered and published in the Trademarks Journal. The registration provides legal protection and exclusivity to the owner for a period of ten years, renewable indefinitely. To maintain the trademark, the owner must actively use it in connection with the registered goods or services and renew the registration timely to prevent its expiration.
打工(gōng )十年,我(🤭)终于看懂了(🍖)千(qiā(😫)n )与千寻: